Deloitte SG Cares is the corporate social responsibility arm of Deloitte Singapore. We continuously strive to engage our people in year-round activities that enable them to contribute their time, talent and resources to improve the well-being and quality of life of the community that we operate in. These include working with various charitable organisations, volunteer groups and statutory boards and government agencies in four core areas: youth & education, the elderly, disability & inclusion, and the environment.
In the disability space, Deloitte played an active role in raising awareness and reinforcing the commitment towards advancing disability sports in Singapore.
Following a successful partnership with the 28th SEA Games held in Singapore in June 2015, we extended our support for local sports by partnering with the Singapore ASEAN Para Games Organising Committee (SAPGOC) for the 8th ASEAN Para Games held in Singapore from 3 to 9 December 2015. Through our involvement and contributions, Deloitte has helped SAPGOC inspire people through disability sports and garner support for people with disabilities around the region.
Our people recognise that with Deloitte, they are empowered and encouraged to grow their experience so they can make an impact that matters, do a part for our society and be a champion of change.