The RISE Mentorship is a 12-week programme which was developed by SGEnable in close partnership with SBNoD to provide opportunities for young people with disabilities to gain better understanding of their skills and abilities and to build their professional network. Members and Friends of SBNoD regularly support this programme to share their knowledge, expertise and work experience. The programme effectively supports students in their transition from institutes of higher learning to employment.
Members and Friends of SBNoD offer multi-weeks internships for people with disabilities to facilitate on-the-job learning and to create an environment in their own organisations that increases the awareness of a latent talent pool.
Organised by SGEnable, this annual event helps people with disabilities to engage with Members and Friends of SBNoD in different workshops focused on CV writing skills, identifying career opportunities, and to enquire about job opportunities.
Members and Friends of SBNoD have been employing people with disabilities in various industries and positions over many years. As a community of like-minded businesses, SBNoD helps to channel these employment opportunities to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace.